National geopark


Photo by J. Tvrdý
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Photo by J. Tvrdý
Photo by J. Tvrdý
Photo by J. Tvrdý
Photo by J. Tvrdý
Photo by J. Tvrdý
Photo by J. Tvrdý

Historical tin district

According to historical sources, the tin deposits near Hřebečná were already mined at the start of the 14th century. Visitors to this important historical mining district will be astounded primarily by the impressive, more than 30 m deep open cuts of the Mauritius and George Mines from the 16th–18th century.

The Hřebečná Nature Trail is dedicated to the history of mining and to other points of interest. The trail ends in an abandoned stone quarry, where the columnar jointing in basalt is perfectly developed. The quarry lies in the southern part of the Ryžovna Nature Reserve, where native mountain beech wood and associated mountain climax spruce trees with rich herbal undergrowth are protected.

Despite the fact that, today, most of the old mine workings are marked and safeguarded, walking near them may still be very dangerous.